Only 3 Minutes A Day. Are you in?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably become keenly aware of all the press about the positive effects meditation can have on your life…greater productivity, clarity of thought, increased creativity and more peace of mind just to name a few.

But if you’re anything like me, you may just have blown it off as another fad or something only monks or new age hippies practice.

On top of this, who has 20-30 minutes a day to sit and do nothing? Moving on, right?7

Well, maybe not. Enter, my friend Adam Brewer from Los Angeles. He’s a Meditation Teacher, Wellness Coach and all around good guy who has been practicing meditation for the last 18 years.

He’s come up with a meditation method that is helping thousands of people all over the world begin to develop a consistent meditation practice. And they’re packaged into guided audio files...all you have to do is push play and follow along.
Learn To Meditate Here

He introduced it to me recently, and told me that I only needed to commit 3 minutes a day to meditation.

That’s it, commit 180 seconds of my day and I would begin to feel peace of mind, clarity of thought, greater joy & creativity & productivity, loads of natural energy, improved relationships and a deeper understanding of the inter-connectivity of all of life.

That was a no brainer for me…I can do just about anything for 3 minutes a day. I decided to give it a try. Guess what, he was right!

Learn To Meditate Here

His program is called 3-Minute Meditations. It’s a super-short, super-simple, uncomplicated introduction to the art and science of meditation.

With this breakthrough method, you’ll get all the benefits of meditation while sitting about 1/10th of the time of other programs.

Within the program he’s created a 21-Day Meditation Challenge (with guided audio mp3s) where you’ll be asked to sit and meditate using the techniques he provides, for just 3 minutes a day for 21 days straight.

Simply sit down, get comfy, push play and feel the stress melt away. That's right you heard me correctly, just 3 minutes a day! Sound like something you can do? I bet it does!

And I'm quite confident if you do, you'll be hooked and you will be taking your first step on the journey of a lifetime :) If you've ever wanted to meditate, this is your opportunity to get in the game, my friend.

So if you or someone you know wants to join me and Adam on this 21-Day Challenge/Adventure of a lifetime, simply click the link below.

Learn To Meditate Here
