Get off your But and build a home based business.

Stop thinking about it. Stop making excuses. Get off your But and build a home based business. 

I do not mean your Butt, but your But. Your But is the reason you give for not getting started. It is the same reason the next person is going to use to make sure they do get started.

What do I mean? Well first off.

One person says "I am too busy, I can't work my SFI business."

Another person says "I am too busy. I gotta quit all this and get my SFI business going so I can relax."

Let’s take a look at the most common reason I hear from people from around the world for why they are not working SFI:

I’m busy.

Most people are busy. If you love what you are doing, being busy is not a problem. But if you hate your job, as so many people do, this would be the best reason to get started and build your SFI business.
