Lets Go Fishing. What Fish are you trying to catch?

The process of catching new prospects, also known as a sales funnel or pipeline, is the process in which you get customers coming back for more and more of what you offer.

Before the Internet, an example of this process would have been a local newspaper ad that included a phone number and then a salesman followed up with anyone who called the number. Today, that may work, but other things work a lot better.

There are way more than a million ways to build process to get new prospects and many marketing experts will tell you they have their own 'secret formula,' I don't think there is a formula, but there are some principles that everyone should consider in order to build your customer base.

As with any process there is FORM and FUNCTION. FORMs change but FUNCTION often remains the same. In the internet world here are the FUNCTIONs you need. The exact FORM may vary depending on your skills and your Audience.

1. The Bait

You need something to draw in a prospective customer. The Bait varies based on the "Fish" you wish to catch, but you always need Bait. With that bait you capture their information, specifically an email address. Why email? It's still the most effective way to follow up with someone. The bait should be enticing and free, offering something in return for their information such as an eBook, workshop, training class, report or how-to guide.

2. Advertise the Bait

After creating the bait, you got to get it in the water. The best bait in the world will catch nothing if it is not in the pool of prospects. This doesn't have to be a complex advertising strategy. It could be as simple as a dedicated web page or you can build an opt-in email campaign.

3. A Thank You Page

After the prospect submits their name and email address, you have a short window of time to tell them something. Be sure you tell them, thank you.

Setting up a thank you page is one of the most underused techniques. To get the most out of the page, determine what you want the prospect to do or buy, such as join your Facebook group or purchase one of your low-cost products.

4. Send an Email

Stats tell us that 80 to 90 percent of people who opt-in to receive a free gift won't pay attention to a thank you page. But 10 to 20 percent will take action and if you're selling something good, you'll create significant income.

The people who ignored the thank you page altogether need to get an email. Since you've captured their email address, go ahead and send them useful content to begin building a relationship. It brings the prospect back to you. If they perceive value, they stay with you.

5. Generate Traffic

Any customer acquisition process needs some sort of traffic, meaning the process should be filled with people. The FUNCTION is get traffic, the FORM varies.

For a Store in a Mall the FORM is foot traffic, location, location, location.

Online the FORM is a variety of ways such as social media, Google searches, and paid ads.

Utilize email signatures, the back of business cards and even podcasts, webcasts, Facebook live, YouTube video as part of the acquisition process.

Getting prospects can seem intimidating with all the advice out there, but it isn't as bad as it seems. Create the bait, the page to advertise it in exchange for an email, a thank you page with some sort of offer or call to action, and an email series that keeps them engaged.

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