How Post-Selling In Marketing Works!!!

How Post-Selling In Marketing Works!!!

It should be done after each sale, it goes like this. After you have closed your sale and thanked your customer for his business, say a few words commending her/him for their judgment for buying your product/service.. 

It doesn't take more than a few words to confirm in their mind that he has made a wise choice. But these few words drive all doubt from their minds. Now they have serenity instead of fear. Now they are reassured .

Now they have confidence in their judgment. Now they have no thought of cancceling their order. It is surprising what you can do with just a few well chosen words at this point in the sale or enrollment.

You should post-sell every time you market a product, service, or enrollment. Your over-all customer retention and team retention will increase greatly. Bless you and yours. Bye for now.
