Do you realise that SFI Plan is based upon Sir Isaac Newton's 3rd law?

Do you realise that SFI Plan is based upon Sir Isaac Newton's 3rd law? His 3rd law stated that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".

SFI Diamond Plan which am following and I believe majority are also in, shows us steps to reach DTL by helping our team of first generation, so you find a few affiliates help them to reach BTL, then split into one or two and energising them with your PSA/EA so that they reach higher ranks and in so doing you're NATURALLY progressed in rank which is directly proportional to your SFI FUTURE 6-figure earnings.

This act of giving might appear foolish on the surface but it is the only PROVEN way because according to Sir Newton, when you are giving in this manner the opposite is rewards from those you've helped to succeed.

I believe with this message for thought, you agree that Opti-Build/DD is VITAL to our success. So ignore your commissions at the start and concentrate on building downlines with all you've got.
