Positivity Attracts, How much positive are you?

Would you be surprised if I told you that people are attracted to people that are successful, everyone wants to be successful so its not surprising really. Just in the same way, it has been proven time after time, that success breeds success.

For example, studies have shown that if people form a crowd for any reason, many more people will join them just to see what is going on. I guess you could call it human nature, however, animals do it too.

So if you want to be successful at anything that you do, firstly align yourself with someone that's already successful in the area that you want to master, you don't have to do this but if you do your chances of success will be greater. Secondly be positive in everything that you do, as this attract others to you. If you are negative in your outlook, then how can you expect other people to want to join you. To be a good leader and mentor you need to inspire others to succeed and excel, even when they are down, you need to raise their spirits up.

Start today, become that beacon of light that attracts others to you, be positive and look for the best in everyone and everything you do. Align yourself to friends and people in the forum who share your dream and have already succeeded. Every storm will pass, make the most of every situation and shine like a diamond.

So here is your challenge, each day tell three people just how fantastic the SFI opportunity is and how it is helping people all over the world to achieve their goals and inspirations. Geri and his team have built an incredible platform, why wouldn't you want to shout about it.

You are incredible, you are a positive beacon of light, shine brightly today like a diamond!!! and be hugely successful. 
