Are You Missing The Boat- Putting Things To The Side?
Are you not getting to a lot of Business and Personal Things that should be taken care of, rather than putting them to the side for later? Most of us our guilty I would presume. We discover one day that practically all of these on our to do list are ones we have not given a completion date to. That is so important to do.
If you don't enter a dead-line date beside each item we find out the same old ones keep hanging around day in and day out. You will find that when you start filling in a project dead-line date they get done, unless you are a hopeless procrastinator and save them until the very last minute. Believe me, tasks without deadlines are an open invitation for you to procrastinate.
Set a schedule. Figure out how long it takes to do your task. Give yourself that time frame to get it done. Do the same for advertising and so on. To succeed priority's must be set. Do personal chores at the end of day. I try to set up my list the night before and sit it on my computer, that way I'm ready for my day to start..
Play a little trick , create a sense of urgency, set your completion date completion a few dates prior to when you actually eed the chore completed. If you do this you may still run past the completion date. You'll need to put this system into practice and when you do, you will get rid of having to put yourself under pressure and have needless last minute worries. Try it, I'm sure you'll like it.
Set a schedule. Figure out how long it takes to do your task. Give yourself that time frame to get it done. Do the same for advertising and so on. To succeed priority's must be set. Do personal chores at the end of day. I try to set up my list the night before and sit it on my computer, that way I'm ready for my day to start..
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