What Are the Health Benefits of Lemongrass Tea?

Did you ever have the privilege of having lemongrass tea? Yes I say ‘privilege’, because the benefits this tea offers are amazing! Lemongrass is a type of perennial plant that is also popularly known as fever grass. As per the name, lemongrass has a lemon-like smell, but its taste is sweeter and milder. This herb is commonly used in Asian cuisines to add flavor to various dishes.

Nutritionally, lemongrass is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese. It also has minute traces of B vitamins. So want to know how lemongrass tea can enhance your health by leaps and bounds? Then this post should be the first thing you should be reading!

1. Good for Digestion

Lemongrass has a cooling energy which helps to soothe your stomach and keeps your digestive functions in check. It contains a component called citral that helps to digest food. Therefore, it is mostly served after dinner.

2. Cleansing And Detoxification

Lemongrass tea is your detox tea. It is packed with antioxidants that help in detoxing and cleansing you from within. It helps in removal of toxins from the body by relieving fluid retention.

3. For Naturally Great Skin and Hair

Lemongrass is a great source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C which are essential nutrients for beautiful skin and hair. By improving the blood circulation, it clears up your skin, treats oily textures and also works on treating eruptions like acne, pimples and eczema.

4. Antidepressant

Lemongrass tea is used to relieve the stress and fatigue symptoms such as headache and body-ache and also to rejuvenate the whole body. Its lingering fragrance improves your mood and makes you feel relaxed and happy, thereby promoting a positive and healthy attitude.

5. Boosts Immunity

Lemongrass helps in restoring the vital systems which are operational in the body, including digestion, respiration, excretion and nervous system. This assists in the better absorption of nutrient and strengthens the immune defense mechanism of the body. Lemongrass extracts have a beneficial effect on the inflammatory actions of cytokines, which are the signaling molecules through which the cells communicate and respond to the body
