Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible!

“It’s impossible!” is something that almost all of us have uttered at one point or another. When things are difficult, it can seem as though success is too far out of reach. However, nothing is impossible. The word Impossible is actual spelt I'm Possible. which means you can possibly do anything. It is possible, it has been possible and it will be possible.

There was a time when it was thought that no one would ever travel to the moon – it happened. There was a time when people wondered if an African-American would ever be President of the United States – it happened. So many things that people thought were impossible, ended up being quite the opposite.

It is a matter of self confidence. Each single person has a lot of qualities and shortages. As a result, we should be aware of our shortages. Treat yourself as another person. Deal with yourself gently when you are broken. Encourage it when you need to move forward. Reward yourself when you achieve one of your goals. Believe in God and in yourself. You can be the most successful person on the earth if you believe you can.

”If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results and copy what they do, and you'll achieve the same results.People aren’t born brilliant. Some of us have a slower processing speed; others have higher. At the end of the day, if you want to be brilliant, you have to work for it, you have to earn it, otherwise it’s just considered desire.

Unless you’re accustomed to hard work, it’s never fun. You’ll miss out on some popular experiences in life, but the trade-off is worth it. Do it right. Live a life that everyone wants to live — one that too few are willing to seek. Ignore the world. Keep doing you. And, eventually it will have no option but to revere what you do best. Life is just a big empty canvas. You create your own art. And, then you decide how to turn it into a masterpiece.

     Hercules Seizure Mahaan 
                          The Darkman
