Is Online Shopping BetterThan Going to the Store?

Crazy for online shopping? It’s all right, you’re not alone.In 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that second quarter online retail sales had risen by 15.8 percent from the previous year. Globally, these sales figures are said to be growing at a rate three times faster than GDP.

Let’s first look at how online shopping can have a more positive impact on the environment.When it comes to click-buying, convenience is king. In saving you a trip to the store, online shopping has the potential to reduce cars on the road. Less cars means less emissions, and with a good system in place, a greater efficiency in delivering goods to consumers direct from warehouses to their doors, cutting out the need to first distribute to stores.

In general, stores use up a lot of resources, from energy (lights, air conditioning, etc.) to marketing gimmicks that entice you to buy certain products. Research conducted at Carnegie Mellon’s Green Design Institute found that opting to solely shop online would lead to a 35 percent reduction in energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Here are recently suggested five easy steps to becoming a more eco-friendly online shopper.
Don’t opt for next- or same-day delivery: Although this method might seem more efficient, it makes it harder for delivery firms to combine shipments to specific neighborhoods. In other words, more deliveries and more emissions.
  • Always opt for the eco-friendly packaging option: Believe it or not, these options exist, and it’s worth the few extra dollars to know you’re making a small difference.
  • Bulk buy at brick-and-mortar stores: If you have to make a trip to the shops, try limit the amount of times you go, buying in bulk when you do to avoid regular trips. In this case, using your car to buy in bulk beats making a smaller purchase online.
  • Cycle/walk to the store: This should go without saying, but if you have to go to the store, especially for a few small items, avoid using your car.
  • Avoid impulse buys: Ask yourself this simple question every time you want to click "add to cart": Do I really need this?
