Grow Plants to Purify the Air in Your Home

What would the world look like if the essentials of healthy living became luxuries? If only a tiny percent of the population could afford clean water, pure air, and edible food? But don't worry! There are three common green plants which can easily produce all the fresh air we need to keep us healthy: Areca Palm, Mother-in-law’s Tongue, Money Plant.

Areca Palm
No. of plants needed per person: 4

Plant Care: Areca Palms require bright, indirect light from a south- or west-facing window. The leaves turn yellowish-green in direct sunlight. Use moist soil and water the plants as soon as the soil feels dry a little below the surface. Areca Palms do not respond well to overwatering.

Mother-in-law’s Tongue
Plants per person: 6-8 waist-high plants

Plant Care: Very adaptable to different temperatures. Place in indirect sunlight and don’t water too much.

Money Plant

Plant Care: Place in a moderately humid room. Requires infrequent watering. Very easy to maintain.

The Money Plant removes formaldehydes and other volatile chemicals from the air.Money Plant use has been tried and tested in a building in Delhi with phenomenal results. Compared to other buildings, occupants experienced a reduction in the incidence of eye irritation by 52%, respiratory irritation by 34%, headaches by 24%, lung impairment by 12% and asthma by 9%.
