Tea4Life® - Cleansing & Detox Secondary Support: Digestion

Tea4Life is a delicious blend of herbs, formulated to support internal health and balance. It promotes healthy digestive system function and a clean and healthy gastrointestinal system. The natural apple-cinnamon flavor makes Tea4Life a delightful source of good health. 

Herbal extracts are blended to activate healthy but under-used muscles of the colon to promote elimination. Regularity can support general health and well-being and is an important step in any wellness program. As a delicious and easy-to-drink tea, this product provides a welcome alternative for healthy digestive cleansing. Tea4Life contains no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.

Features herbal extracts to support colon health by activating the elimination processes of the colon.Provides an herbal alternative for healthy digestive cleansing.Boasts a tasty apple-cinnamon flavor with no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners


I was feeling very tired and had no energy. After being tested with "biofeedback", I was informed that my body needed to cleanse. I am taking Tea4Life and Fiber4Life. Soon I will really be able to experience the full value of 4 Life's supplements.
Ruth K.

Recently I was an overweight, unhealthy and miserable person. Responding to a contest to lose weight, I tried Fiber System Plus, Phytolax, Tea4Life, exercised regularly and changed my eating habits for ten days. I was able to maintain a healthy weight.
Jewel N.
Washington DC
