Astro Auctions will Launch your Earnings into Orbit

With the new Astro Auctions you cannot lose. Win prizes in every auction! Submit the highest bid to win the Auction Item.

TripleClicks Newest Auctions

Astro is based on the popular silent auction model, but we’ve gone much, much further. Indeed, in Astro, we’ve completely re-imagined the online auction and built an amazing, totally new kind of auction that we think you’re going to LOVE participating in and marketing to the world.

Three Important Points That Make Astro The Best

1. You place your bid just one time. Simply place the highest bid you can for as many TCredits that you think will win (i.e. be the highest bid). You do not know anyone else's bid.

2. With the exception of one TCredit required for a processing fee, you can get all your bids back if you don’t win. Yes, when you enter your bid, you’ll choose how many TCredits you want to receive back if you don’t win. In other words, Astro Auctions are essentially risk-free!

3. There’s much more to win with Astro than just the item being auctioned! For each auction you enter (with as little as a single bid), you’ll be entered to win two different jackpots (“Rocket Box” and “Supernova.”). You also get a free entry in our new “Pick-The-Bid” contest. Your objective is to predict what the winning bid will be. Be the closest and you’ll automatically win 500 Rewardicals! And that’s still not all! For each TCredit you “tip your pilot” (the TCredits you choose not to receive back if you don’t win the auction), you’ll automatically earn at least 10 Rewardicals that you can redeem for VersaPoints, PSAs, CSAs, and more, at the Exchange. And if all that wasn’t enough, you’re guaranteed to win at least two additional “Constellation Prizes!”

So get over and try it out.

Astro Auctions

After trying out Astro Auctions you will want all your friends to know. Become an affiiate free and Earn Like Crazy. Join My Team and I will show you how.

Launch into a whole New Auction Online,

Harvinder Singh,
          SFI Affiliate.
